Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Drinking Green Tea

Hello Beauties,
Lets talk about green tea. I've been drinking green tea for years because initially I thought it would help me lose weight that I had gained after my first pregnancy. Although it doesn't necessarily make you lose weight it does help boost your metabolism and help burn more calories. Therefore making it easier to lose weight. Now who doesn't like something that is going to help them lose weight. which is why most people drink green tea, because lets be honest the taste is a little bitter. Apart from that, I have found that green tea also has many other health beneficiaries. Studies have shown that drinking 2-3 cups a day can help reduce or improve many health issues like:

  • helping lower high cholesterol
  • helping lower high blood pressure
  • helping improve blood flow
  • helping boost working memory
  • helping maintain blood sugar low in diabetics
  • contains powerful antioxidants
  • helps prevent coronary arty disease
  • drinking tea can also help you relax and prevent depression

My experience with green tea has been great. I drink at least two cups a day and I feel like it gives me enough energy to wake up in the mornings. Now, green tea does contain caffeine in it, so drink with caution. Since starting to drink tea my metabolism has been on track. Although I have not drastically lost weight, it has helped me maintain my weight but along with a healthy diet and exercise I have been able to get closer to my ideal weight. With a few more pounds to go I will continue to drink my daily cup or two without a doubt. Beware that if you are going to drink green tea, it might give you the need to go to the bathroom a time or two.

Remember if you are feeling a bit stressed sit down and sip on a cup of tea and read a book while at it, and just relax. Especially after a long hectic day.

*By all means I am not saying you should drink green tea. I am not a doctor or trained professional and you should always consult with your primary doctor first if taking any medication, since studies have shown that the active substances in green tea can alter with the work of prescribed medication such as, blood thinning medications or chemotherapy,. These are just my thoughts on why green tea can be beneficial to drink. For more information check under resources.

University of Maryland "Green Tea"
"green tea health benefits examined"

"Green tea extract enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing"

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